Shalom everyone!
Well, I am finding it difficult to communicate, not unexpectedly! But I am here, and all is well.
Here is the note I wrote yesterday, hoping to be able to connect and email it out.
Instead, I spent the day in the same place after moving so much the day before. Elders from all over the area, many women and a few young people came here to me to visit and talk.
So here are a few observations from yesterday:
Peter gave me his cell phone the night we arrived and I should have had him call right then, but there were several people here and I thought I’d wait until they’d left, but then realized I didn’t have a phone book or any idea how to place the call to America. Sorry! I did briefly call home and talked with Rachel to tell her all is well and ask her to send out an email.
All the travel arrangements went off very well! No problems in any place.
We did fly along the western edge of Egypt inside Egyptian airspace with no problems and as I noticed that we were near the Red Sea, I was praying that YHWH would again part the waters and make all these unknown variables (see below) work together as a demonstration of His authority and power. And He did!! Praise YHWH!!
We did indeed find favor with the customs and did not have to pay an extra tax.
The travel agency and Delta airlines were wrong that there is no visa necessary, but after being told by two people that the fee would be $50 or $30, it turned out to be $25! I had exactly $56 USD left at the time! So it worked out just fine. 

I wondered how I would ever find Peter and company in such a sea of faces and people all waiting behind along a long rope barrier with names on cards held up, but as soon as the customs official waved me through, there was Peter with my name on a sign. They were brought right into my line of sight, at the same time that they saw me! HalleluYah! And we were off into the night to find the car before I could even think about getting the camera out. Peter, his wife, Margaret, Michael(driver) and oh, I’ve forgotten his name, an elder who rode on the train from Western Kenya all day to be here to greet me…Kenneth?
We had a wild and crazy drive with a very competent driver named Michael in a safe Toyota car, (With Shalom Aleichem! On the windshield) on the left side of the street, which was sometimes paved, smooth and sometimes paved, potholes. And sometimes it was dirt; and sometimes traffic came in from all angles or just pulled in front of us…and sometimes there were police check points with men with rifles standing near a lot of trucks, and once even a row of spiked speed bumps, alternating on each side of the road that we had to go between. Peter says the roads are terrible…but they are trying to work on getting the main highways back into better shape. We did see evidence of lots of roadside work.
I have shared our picture and letter with this small group, including the two ladies who will be my assistants; MamaKmaue and Grace. More people will be coming in the morning to visit here in the apartment, but I have no idea what time it is! Too many time zone changes to keep it straight. It is still dark, but I am more awake than asleep. I will ask Peter to hook up the computer so I can send this email OR telephone right away this morning.
Praise Yeshua! The connection between these two “Set Apart” people is growing!
(There is a little refrigerator here for my use. I will need to ask Peter how to work the shower water heater and the gas cylinder.) They had bananas, fruit juice and bottled water all ready for me here, but to my surprise, the flight did include two meals and many snacks so I am not yet really hungry.)
I will try to get to the blog later today and put in a picture or two of this place, and maybe some of the people, but don’t want to be too ambitious this first day.
So…it has been along and full day, though more restful as I spent it all in the same place. The places I was able to see in the dark last night were all pretty small though even small shops seem to like to have neon signs. This morning I was outside briefly to meet the lady, Edna, who lives next door and owns a small shop. She is a Seventh Day Adventist and is friendly with Peter and the community.
I took a few pictures of this apartment. They have worked very hard to make it comfortable for me and I am grateful. Notice the new floor, which is throughout the whole place. The size is about the same as our living room and dining room; and they tell me that it is common for a family of 10 to live in a place this size.

Margaret made the blue covers to match.

They had several towels and wash clothes laid out for me.

As is usually done, there are iron bars and a gate behind the curtains, with a double slide lock and a padlock I was given to lock myself in at night. The door opens on a courtyard which has several other apartments opening into it. The couple next door are with Yahweh’s Set Apart Assembly and have been very kind to watch out for me. Washierta? He and his wife, have a daughter, Sarah.

This is little Sara with Peter’s wife, Margaret and me.

You can see Peter liked the banner and sends his love and thanks to you, Jann!

Here is one Peter Ndungu on the left and one on the right. Michael is second from the left. He was the driver from the airport. In between them, all showing their toothbrushes and booklets, are the youngest and the oldest men I have met so far..I;m sorry. I cannot remember all their names! I think perhaps, that is Washierta second from the right; Sarah’s dad.

This is MamaKamau on the right and Suan on the left. Susan had a very frank discussion with me, telling me that staying only 2 weeks was just too short a time! She is a spiritual daughter to MamaKamau on the right.
Naming is a very traditional thing here. Children are named after each parent’s parents, or in some tribes, they may be named according to whether they are born in the daytime or nighttime, or what the weather was when they were born. MamaKamau, if I am spelling it correctly, has Kamau as her youngest child; “lastborn” and is affectionately known as MamKamau. Which means that I am MamaRachel. They all were joyful at that idea as they are pretty uncomfortable about the name “Barbara” and”Barb” just doesn’t sit right for them. The men may also be known as Baba___whatever their last born child is named. I would have to say I am having as much trouble with their names! And meeting so many people at once!

Here is the second Peter again, with Jane in the background this time. She has offered to do my laundry while I am here.
We have spoken of many things in such a short time today: the menorah and the word Beresheit; some things about the basic Creation Gospel; which one of the elders who arrived later calls a “sweet but very deep study.” Some of the men said that they just couldn’t quite understand it but thought it looks good. Peter (2) had been leaving out first Fruits, and counting the last day as 8th day, so what is in the study wasn’t making as much sense. I have shown Peter and some of the elders the hand teaching, and gone through the self worth and responsibility chart with them. This is the teaching they want tomorrow in Kissi, which is a 4 hour drive from here. People there aren’t ready for menorah teaching and also some don’t even speak Swahili, but one of the 42 different tribal mother tongues. So Peter will translate into Swahili and they will have to just do the best they can. The men were all very pleased to hear of this teaching and had no trouble seeing that it is in Torah!
Later this evening, one of the leaders asked me about being a woman leading SAM and if there is every any question about that…ah, yes! They understood my general response of how it came about, and laughed when I said that Yeshua is my covering, and then Bob, and those with questions should take it up with Yeshua!
There is so much to say I could already write an entire paper I think!
We are really on the “same page” in many ways! They are concerned about their ability to help people with relationship concerns and anger problems, seeing violence and anger as a major problem here.
They understand that we are in the last days, and are on board with knowing the two houses need to come together, without just imitating Judah. Each of the men I have met thus far show such depth and understanding, with a gentle spirit. Many of the ladies have more trouble with English, but a few are quite comfortable with it and so we have been able to talk more freely. They are asking for an evening with just the ladies and me so we can share information that might be helpful.
We watched the Ha Yovel DVD today with about 5 elders, and they confirmed that many would be most willing to go to Israel to work. Very excited in fact! So, we will see…I will talk with the Wallers after they get back from their pruning trip I think. I know it will be some time before they are ready to explore this possibility with all they have happening now.
They were a little surprised to see so many women and so few men in our picture but even more surprised to hear that the ladies are more comfortable praying out loud together than the men are because it is exactly the opposite of that here! There seems to be open exchange and communication all around, with the custom to greet one another with a handshake “with an attitude” I will have to show you; I can’t think how to describe it –sort of a sideways high 5 slap, maybe??
One young lady, Tare? Age 21, would really like to meet Rachel and email with her. When they looked at the Self Worth chart, this young lady and the men there said that there is more of a problem with aggressive women here in Kenya, more than passive ones. This surprised me a bit!
We already figured out that American English and British English are also contributing to some difficulty understanding each other. It is their tradition to stand while praying together and one person alone prays. When I said that we take turns so that everyone can participate, they were amazed and astonished, thinking that might take a very long time to pray! Also worried because some of the ladies might not be comfortable to do this. I told them we understand that for some people it is much harder to do, also!++
I have made it very clear that I have not come to tell them what to do, but to share so we are all understanding and praying that some “cross-pollenation” will take place as we get to know one another and find out how YHWH will want us to work together.
Cheryl will be glad to know that I have seen just 1 bug a day; about an inch long!
I have tried to pack up to be ready to leave early in the morning as it will be a long drive; to teach in the afternoon, then visit in the evening and morning before coming back here. We will visit the children’s home the day after that, I think. I hope to be able to take a few minutes at Peter’s home before we leave to copy all of this into the blog.
Be blessed and encouraged! There are others here who stand with us in Yeshua and appreciate that we have taken the time and trouble to stand with them.
Watching and praying,
Shalom Barb (MamaRachel)
ReplyDeleteI am glad that most things are going good there! I understand the language thing, even in England, I only understood about 2/3 of what people said! Also, the bars on the windows and doors, and the padlocks are common in Puerto Rico. We have it pretty good as far as crime in comparison to many other places in the world.
I do hope that you and the ladies get a chance to talk alone. That's always fun!
I already miss having you to talk to! I'm getting spoiled! There are things I'm learning and I wanna share with you! Hahah 2 weeks isn't long enough for them, but an eternity for us...=)